China is the second largest global economy, the largest exporter and has the largest exchange reserves in the GDP per Capita (USD), 9e, 10e, 10, 11, 12.


GDP per capita of China in nominal and ppp terms. Estimates by world bank since 1960 in nominal terms and since 1990 in ppp terms at current and constant prices. Projections by IMF.

2005. 1995-2005b. 2005. 2005. T. A. Tourism with GDP. GDP per capita growth. (annual %). International tourism, expenditures (% of total imports).

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60. 80. Sweden. J. Norway.

GDP per capita of China in nominal and ppp terms. Estimates by world bank since 1960 in nominal terms and since 1990 in ppp terms at current and constant prices. Projections by IMF.

2021-04-21 · SHANGHAI, April 21 (Xinhua) -- Shanghai's Pudong New Area is striving to make its per capita GDP reach more than 40,000 U.S. dollars by 2025, local authorities said on Wednesday. The ambitious goal was included in Pudong's 14th Five-Year (2021-2025) Plan released recently.

China gdp per capita

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China gdp per capita

Senaste utgåva. dec 2019. Pågående. 8254.3 USD. Förutse.

China gdp per capita

GDP per cap. Life expectancies: as early as 1965, China had a huge advantage in life expectancy. So it'll show you GDP per capita, population, longevity, that's about it. BNP per capita i Kina ökade med 6 procent under åren 1978-95 och Kinas andel av världens totala 18 China Country Review, 2010, s126-128. 0.
En fnaf 3

China gdp per capita

China GDP PPP 1980-2020. China GDP on a purchasing power parity basis (GDP PPP) reached $25.3 trillion during 2018. Bnp Per Capita 8254.30: 7807.00: 8254.30: 132.10: USD: Bnp Per Capita Ppp 16116.70: 15243.20: 16116.70: 1423.70: USD: Bnp Från Jordbruk 11332.00: 77754.10: 77754.10: 649.30: CNY - HML: Bnp Från Entreprenad 12017.00: 72995.70: 72995.70: 181.90: CNY - HML: Bnp Från Tillverkning 80971.00 2016-06-28 · China is one of the largest economies in the world with a GDP of over $18.0 Trillion in 2015 based on Purchasing Power Parity. The Per capita GDP is $14,100 and that puts the country at 113 in the world according to CIA's World Factbook. It reports that China’s GDP was $19,617 billion in 2017, in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) terms, while the United States’ GDP stood at $19,519 billion.

the national ranking per capita of scientific publications in cataloged international journals. economy, where digitalization and servitization are changing the business landscape. to innovation systems at universities and colleges - China. av EL Glaeser · 2020 · Citerat av 7 — The economic success and growth of cities in the developing world is even more impressive (Chauvin et Figure 1 shows the robust positive relationship between metropolitan area density and per capita Figure 1: Relationship Between Density and Per Capital GDP Cities in Brazil, China, India and the United States.”.
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China gdp per capita for 2019 was $10,262, a 2.86% increase from 2018. China gdp per capita for

Although it has become the world's seventh-largest economy, Brazil ranks only 95th in the world for GDP per capita. Most households have experienced only  In 1988, the EU and China consumed nearly equal amounts of coal. By 2016 Economics > National accounts > gdp > per capita, current US$ > 2017 ( Global )  This chapter provides an overview of the circular economy in cities and focuses on In 2016, Umeå's GDP per inhabitant (SEK 416 000) was 5% lower than the  China's economy is slowing from past two-digit growth rates to a 'new normal' major macroeconomic imbalances with a GDP per capita growth rate of 2.9%  GDP Per Capita = $10 trillion / 250 million 2. ”jätte -n; jättar”, ”överförd ‑fört.” Ord som slutar ||-tecken markerar att böjningsändelse följer. You can probably cite the "greatest hits" list from memory: China, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Indeed, the country's GDP per capita grew 12% from 2010 to 2014. In 1976, the annual GDP per capita of the 38 socialist countries (in inflation adjusted Even China, which today has an economy almost as large as the United  Poland · Growing economy with a few challenges. In the last 30 years, Poland's GDP per capita has increased by around 150 percent, which is more than any other  China overtook Japan as the world's second-largest economy during the second Japan's people are still among the richest in the world, with GDP per capita of  AON 490,682.90 .

the national ranking per capita of scientific publications in cataloged international journals. economy, where digitalization and servitization are changing the business landscape. to innovation systems at universities and colleges - China. av EL Glaeser · 2020 · Citerat av 7 — The economic success and growth of cities in the developing world is even more impressive (Chauvin et Figure 1 shows the robust positive relationship between metropolitan area density and per capita Figure 1: Relationship Between Density and Per Capital GDP Cities in Brazil, China, India and the United States.”.