

About Stena. CEO comments; Value creation; Stena as an owner; Core values; Trends; History; Fleet and Properties; Management. The Stena AB Board; Coordination Group; Stena Sphere; Sphere Advisory; Businesses. Stena Line; Stena Drilling; Stena Bulk; Stena RoRo; Northern Marine Group; Stena Teknik; Stena Property; Stena Adactum; Stena Finance; Sustainability. Sustainability Management; Focus Areas

Sustainability Management; Focus Areas 2019-09-05 NOTE - THIS VIDEO HAS BEEN PIECED TOGETHER USING PUBLICLY AVAILABLE INFORMATION ONLYOn the 19th July 2019, vessels and a helicopter of the Iranian Revolution 2019-07-21 2019-07-22 Fri. Tankfartyget Stena Impero har lämnat redden utanför Bandar Abbas med destination Dubai. 25 september 2019 Stena Impero kvar i Iran. Fortfarande fast. Iranska myndigheter uppger att beslagtagna Stena Impero är fritt att lämna landet, men det stämmer inte enligt Stena … Stena Impero named in Guangzhou The chemical and product tanker Stena Impero was named yesterday in a chilly and drizzly Guangzhou in southeast China. She is the last in a series of 13 sister ships ordered by Stena Bulk at the shipyard GSI (Guangzhou … Det svenskägda fartyget Stena Impero släpps.

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Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management can confirm that at approximately 1600 BST on 19th July, UK-registered vessel Stena Impero (built 2018, 49,683 DWT) was approached by unidentified small crafts and a helicopter during transit of the Strait of Hormuz while the vessel was in international waters. Den svenskägda tankern Stena Impero, som är under iransk kontroll, kan släppas inom kort, uppger rederiet Stena Bulks vd Erik Hånell. Iran bekräftar att fartyget ska släppas, enligt statliga Stena Impero, som seglar under brittisk flagg, beslagtogs av Irans revolutionsgarde när fartyget färdades genom Hormuzsundet den 19 juli. – Den rättsliga processen är avslutad och baserat Stena Impero framme i Dubai. Den svenskägda tankern Stena Impero som beslagtogs av Iran i juli nådde på fredagskvällen Dubais hamn. Där tas besättningen om hand efter att ha befunnit sig Den svenskägda tankern Stena Impero som beslagtogs av Iran i juli nådde på fredagskvällen Dubais hamn. Där tas besättningen om hand efter att ha befunnit sig ombord sedan i juli.

27 Sep 2019 El 19 de julio, el Cuerpo de Guardianes de la Revolución Islámica de Irán informó de la detención del petrolero Stena Impero en el estrecho de 

The British-flagged tanker Stena Impero detained by Iran in July remains in that country even though it has been legally cleared to leave, the tanker's Swedish owner Stena Bulk said on Tuesday. Iran's ambassador to Britain, Hamid Baeidinejad, said on Monday that the vessel was free to depart after legal hurdles were cleared and this was confirmed by Mohammad Rastad, head of Iran's Ports and The Stena Impero has set a new destination for Port Rashid in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (), about 250 kilometres (155 miles) away, tracking data showed.At normal tanker speed, it would Stena Impero: British-flagged tanker seized by Iran is on the move, says owner.

Stena impero

Stena Impero fortfarande kvar i iransk hamn Världen 2019-09-24 20.27. Svenskägda fartyget Stena Impero ligger kvar i hamnen i iranska staden Bandar Abbas – trots Irans besked för två dagar sedan om att den beslagtagna oljetankern är fri att lämna.

Stena impero

2019-07-20 Brittiskflaggade tankern Stena Impero, ägd av det svenska rederiet Stena Bulk, har beslagtagits av iranska styrkor, uppger Stena Bulk. Operatören Northern Marine kommer inte i kontakt med fartyget. News for STENA IMPERO Iran seized two tankers, finding West too weak to defend itself July 20, 2019 at 04:21 by Mikhail Voytenko in Maritime Security. Very large crude oil tanker VLCC MESDAR was briefly detained in Strait of Hormuz by Revolutionary Guards of Iran, tanker was seized at around 1530 UTC Jul 19, and released at around 2010 UTC. STENA IMPERO Current Position (Tanker, MMSI: 232010294, IMO: 9797400) - MyShipTracking. Real-time and current position of STENA IMPERO (Tanker, MMSI: 232010294, IMO: 9797400) on ais live map is in Gulf of Oman with coordinates 24.79371° / 57.27034° and speed 12.2 knots as reported on 2020-08-19 16:16 by AIS live data.

Stena impero

2019-07-20 Vessel STENA IMPERO is a tanker ship sailing under the flag of United Kingdom . Her IMO number is 9797400 and MMSI number is 232010294. Main ship particulars are length of 183 m and beam of 32 m. 2018-02-01 Stena Impero. Middle East.
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Stena impero

The vessel's current speed is 8.6 Knots and is heading at the port of PARANA.The estimated time of arrival as calculated by MyShipTracking vessel tracking app is 2020-10-04 12:00 LT . The vessel STENA IMPERO (IMO: 9797400, MMSI 2019-07-21 2019-09-27 Iran has seized the British tanker Stena Impero in the Strait of Hormuz. The ship was intercepted by Iranian vessels and forced to sail to a port in Iran. Ir 2019-07-19 The Stena Impero's Swedish owners, Stena Bulk, said it had been fully complying with regulations and had been in international waters at the time.

British ship seized by Iran free to leave, official says. Voices. Det svenskägda brittiskflaggade tankfartyget Stena Impero kommer att släppas av Iran.
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A British-flagged oil tanker has left Iran two months after it was seized for allegedly breaking maritime rules. Stena Bulk - Stena Impero's Swedish owner - said on Friday it was on the move from

Whatever the next step is, it will by default be seen by the Iranians as escalatory.

24 Sep 2019 Despite Iranian assurances the Stena Impero can leave, the tanker is still being held in the Islamic republic, its owner said Monday.

Det svenskägda fartyget Stena Impero som beslagtogs av Iran i juli har lämnat hamnen i Iran.

Track on Map Add Photo The Swedish-owned Stena Impero was detained by Iran's Revolutionary Guards on July 19 in the Strait of Hormuz for alleged marine violations, two weeks after Britain detained an Iranian tanker off Erik Hanell, President and CEO, Stena Bulk: “Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management confirm the Stena Impero and its crew have been released. “The vessel has left the port of Bandar Abbas and is transiting to Dubai for the crew to disembark and receive medical checks and de-briefing. The Stena Impero is Swedish-owned and those on board are Indian, Russian, Latvian and Filipino.